class SeriesRequest
Interface for a Macrobond series request.
Instance variables
var AddedSeries : Tuple[SeriesExpression]
A list of the added series.
var CalendarMergeMode : CalendarMergeMode
Determines how to handle points in time that are not available in one or more series. The default value is ‘AvailibleInAny’
var Currency : str
The currency code based on the three letter IS 4217 codes that will be used to convert any series expressed in currency units. The default is an empty string, which means that no currency conversion will be done. There is a list of the supported currencies on a Currencies List web page.
var EndDate : Union[ForwardRef(None), datetime.datetime, str]
The end date.
var EndDateMode : CalendarDateMode
Determines if the automatic end of the series is at the last point when there is data in any series or the last point where there is data in all series. The default is ‘DataInAnySeries’. This setting is not used when the EndDate property is set to an absolute point in time.
var Frequency : int
The frequency that all series will be converted to. The default value is ‘Highest’, which means that all series will be converted to the same frequency as the series with the highest frequency.
var StartDate : Union[ForwardRef(None), datetime.datetime, str]
This specifies the start date used for all the series in the request. The value can be empty, a specific date or a string representing a point in time as described below. If it is empty or a relative reference, the StartDateMode will be used to determine the start.
var StartDateMode : CalendarDateMode
Determines if the automatic start of the series is at the first point when there is data in any series or the first point where there is data in all series. The default is ‘DataInAnySeries’. This setting is not used when the StartDate property is set to an absolute point in time.
var Weekdays : int
This determines what days of the week that are used when the resulting frequency is Daily and the CalendarMergeMode is ‘FullCalendar’.
def AddSeries(self, name: str) ‑> SeriesExpression
Add a series to the list of series to request. You can optionally use the returned interface to do further configurations, such as methods for missing value and frequency conversion.