Module macrobond_data_api.common.types.series_with_vintages


class SeriesWithVintages

A time series with times of change

Instance variables

var error_text : Optional[str]

The error text if there was an error or not specified if there was no error

var last_modified : Optional[datetime.datetime]

The timestamp of the last modification to be used in the next call to Api.get_many_series_with_revisions().

var last_revision : Optional[datetime.datetime]

The timestamp of the last revision to be used in the next call to Api.get_many_series_with_revisions().

var last_revision_adjustment : Optional[datetime.datetime]

The timestamp of the last revision adjustment to be used in the next call to Api.get_many_series_with_revisions().

var metadata : Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]

The time when this version of the series was recorded

var primary_name : str

The primary name of the entity.

var status_codeStatusCode

Set if there was an error and not specified if there was no error

var vintages : List[VintageValues]

If specified, incremental updates can be return. PartialContent (206) will be returned in that case. The value should be from the metadata LastRevisionAdjustmentTimeStamp of the previous response.

class VintageValues

A time series with times of change

Instance variables

var dates : List[datetime.datetime]

The dates of the vintage series.

var values : List[Optional[float]]

The values of the vintage series. Missing values are represented by null.

var vintage_time_stamp : Optional[datetime.datetime]

The time when this version of the series was recorded