Module macrobond_data_api.web.web_types.series_methods


class SeriesMethods (session: Session)

Time series and entity operations


def entity_info_for_display(self, *entitie_names: str) ‑> EntityInfoForDisplayResponse

Get formatted information about a time series intended to be displayed to the user

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_structure


200 The operation was successful.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

404 The series could not be found.

def fetch_entities(self, *entitie_names: str) ‑> List[EntityResponse]

Fetch one or more entities. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: 'macrobond_web_api.read_mb'

Codes: 200 The operation was successful. 400 The operation failed. 401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token. 403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def fetch_nth_release_series(self, nth: int, *series_names: str, get_times_of_change: bool = None) ‑> List[SeriesWithTimesOfChangeResponse]

Fetch one or more series where each value is the nth change of the value. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def fetch_observation_history(self, series_name: str, date_of_the_observation: List[datetime.datetime]) ‑> List[SeriesObservationHistoryResponse]

Fetch the history of one or more observations in a time series. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

400 The operation failed.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

404 The series could not be found

def fetch_series_last_modified_time_stamp(self, *requests: EntityRequest) ‑> List[SeriesResponse]

Fetch one or more series. A timestamp can be specified for each series to conditionally retrieve a result. This is typically the value of the metadata LastModifiedTimeStamp from a previous request. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

400 The operation failed.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def fetch_unified_series(self, request: UnifiedSeriesRequest) ‑> UnifiedSeriesResponse

Fetch one or more series and convert them to a common frequency, calendar and optionally a common currency. Specify properties for frequency conversion and method to fill in missing values. The resulting list of series will be in the same order as in the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

400 The operation failed.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def fetch_vintage_series(self, time_of_vintage: datetime.datetime, *series_names: str, get_times_of_change: bool = None) ‑> List[VintageSeriesResponse]

Fetch one or more vintage series. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def get_data_package_list(self, if_modified_since: datetime.datetime = None) ‑> FeedEntitiesResponse

Get a list of entities in the subscription list and timestamps when they were last changed. You can specify a timestamp to see what has changed since then. For this the timeStampForIfModifiedSince in the response from a previous call is typically used. This guarantees that you will not miss any updates, but you may see the same update more than once.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 The account is not set up to use a subscription list.

def get_fetch_all_vintage_series(self, series_name: str, if_modified_since: datetime.datetime = None, last_revision: datetime.datetime = None, last_revision_adjustment: datetime.datetime = None) ‑> List[VintageSeriesResponse]

Fetch all vintage series and the complete history of changes. Metadata from the prevision response can be specified to get conditional and incremental changes.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

206 The operation was successful, but only new revisions are included.

304 The series was not modified since the timestamp passed as parmeter ifModifiedSince.

400 The operation failed.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

404 The series could not be found

def get_fetch_series(self, *series_names: str) ‑> List[SeriesResponse]

Fetch one or more entities. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

400 The operation failed.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def get_revision_info(self, *series_names: str) ‑> List[SeriesWithRevisionsInfoResponse]

Get information about if a record of updates is stored for one or more series and the dates of changes.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.

def post_fetch_all_vintage_series(self, requests: Sequence[ForwardRef('RevisionHistoryRequest')], stream: bool = False) ‑> Response
def post_fetch_series(self, *series: EntityRequest) ‑> List[SeriesResponse]

Fetch one or more series. A timestamp can be specified for each series to conditionally retrieve a result. This is typically the value of the metadata LastModifiedTimeStamp from a previous request. The result will be in the same order as the request.

OAuth scope: macrobond_web_api.read_mb


200 The operation was successful.

400 The operation failed.

401 Unauthorized. Missing, invalid or expired access token.

403 Forbidden. Not authorized.